venerdì 27 febbraio 2015

J.S.Bach - Actus Tragicus

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When Joshua Rifkin introduced his thesis that Bach composed most of his choral works for only one singer per part, he used the Mass in B Minor as his demonstration piece--in part, no doubt, for maximum shock effect. Since then, Rifkin's theory has made the greatest headway with performances of Bach's early cantatas--those he wrote before arriving in Leipzig in 1723. Even Christ lag in Todesbanden and the Actus tragicus, both considered canonic works of the choral literature, have benefited from fine single-voice recordings by groups such as the Taverner Consort and the American Bach Soloists. Now along comes Cantus Cölln and outdoes them all.


Christ lag in Todes Banden BWV 4
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (Actus tragicus) BWV 106
Der Herr denket an uns BWV 196
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen BWV 12

Cantus Cölln

dir. Konrad Junghänel

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