venerdì 4 maggio 2012

Eduardo Paniagua CD Collection [101 albums]

101 CD - MP3 192 Kbps - 101 RAR - 10.20 Gb

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Eduardo Paniagua (born 1952 in Madrid, Spain) is a Spanish architect and musician, specializing in medieval Spanish music.
Between 1966 and 1983, he was a member of the group Atrium Musicae de Madrid, led by his older brother Gregorio, playing wind instruments and percussion. More recently he has been a founding member of the groups Cálamus and Hoquetus which specialize in the music of Arabic Andalusia.
In 1994, he created the group Música Antigua to perform and record the Cantigas de Santa Maria. In the same year he also founded the group Ibn Báya Ensemble together with the oud player Omar Metioui, for the performance and recording of Andalusian music. Other regular collaborators include Moroccan singers Said Belcadi, Mohammed El-Arabi Serghini, and the Algerian oud player Salim Fergani.

Atrium Musicae de Madrid

Perhaps the group's most famous recording is Musique de la Grèce Antique (Music of Ancient Greece), in which they performed ancient Greek music carefully taken down off scattered fragments of still existing papyrus. Performing the ancient compositions also meant the reconstruction of an arsenal of ancient instruments. This certainly was a fascinating aspect of the group's life performances during a series of acclaimed international tours. The success of this 1978 recording is not the only feather in the group's collective cap. The 1976 Musique Arabo-Andalouse delves into Hispanic-Moslem music, and is credited with creating a whole new interest in this fascinating genre of southern Spain. From the late 1970s into the early 1980s the group began a series of recordings dealing with 15th and 16th century popular Spanish songs, then sailed to the New World for the fascinating Las Indias de Espana, a recording of Pre-Columbian music collected from archives. The decision to dissolve the group was no doubt based on some of the younger brothers' interest in beginning solo careers.

CDs list:

Colección Cantigas de Alfonso X

-PN-010 Cantigas de Toledo
-PN-020 Cantigas de Castilla y León
-PN-210 Cantigas de Castilla-La Mancha
-PN-220 Cantigas de Santa María del Puerto-1
-PN-240 Remedios Curativos-Cantigas
-PN-280 Virgen de Atocha-Cantigas De Madrid
-PN-340 Bestiario-Cantigas de Animales
-PN-400 Cantigas de Flauta y Tamboril
-PN-420 Cantigas de Extremadura
-PN-490 Caballeros-Cantigas
-PN-510 Cantigas de Italia
-PN-520 Cantigas de Francia
-PN-570 Cantigas de Jerez
-PN-590 Cantigas de Sevilla (doble)
-PN-610 La Vida de María (doble)
-PN-680 El Camino de Santiago-Cantigas (??????)
-PN-700 Rosa de Las Rosas-Cantigas
-PN-740 Cantigas para Viola de Rueda
-PN-820 Cantigas Celtas (Merlin)
-PN-860 Cantigas de Valencia
-PN-880 Cantigas de Bizancio (doble)
-PN-980 Cantigas de Catalunya
-PN-990 Cantigas de Inglaterra
-PN-1080 Cantigas de Burgos
-PN-1090 Cantigas de Alemania
-PN-1150 Cantigas de Flandes
-PN-1170 Cantigas del Mar Cantábrico
-PN-1230 Cantigas de Mujeres

Colección Al-Ándalus

-PN-050 Medieval Women's songs
-PN-090 Luz de la Mediterranía
-PN-100 Tres Culturas
-PN-120 Jardín de Al-Ándalus
-PN-170 Alarifes Mudéjares
-PN-230 Poemas de la Alhambra
-PN-250 Nuba Al-Istihlal >>>------> Vedi EP-NAI.rar
-PN-290 La Felicidad Cumplida, Alcázar de Sevilla
-PN-320 Agua de La Alhambra
-PN-360 Ibn Arabi, El Intérprete de Los deseos
-PN-370 La Llamada de Al-Andalus
-PN-430 La Fuente del Amor Secreto
-PN-500 Wallada-Ibn Zaydún
-PN-530 Ritual Sufí Ándalusí
-PN-550 Aire de Al-Ándalus (compilation)
-PN-630 Nuba Al-Maya
-PN-640 Cantos de la Noche-Nuba Rasd D-Dail
-PN 650 Cantos Sufíes de Al-Ándalus
-PN-690 Latidos de Al-Ándalus
-PN-750 - Almuédano
-PN-800 Puentes sobre el Mediterráneo (compilation)
-PN-970 Cantos Místicos Devocionales
-PN-1050 Agua de Al-Ándalus (compilation)
-PN-1100 El Agua y los Arabes (compilation)
-PN-1110 Tesoros de Al-Ándalus
-PN-1120 Pasión Sufí
-PN-1140 Zambra de Moriscos
-PN-1200 Cantos de Mujeres en las Tres Culturas (compilation)

Colecciones Histórica y Tradición

-PN-060 Ecos del Espíritu
-PN-350 La Música de Pneuma (compilation)
-PN-450 El Cantar de la Conquista de Almería
-PN-470 El Crisol del Tiempo
-PN-660 La Conquista de Granada
-PN-710 Juana I de Castilla
-PN-900 España del Cid (compilation)
-PN-950 La Batalla de Alarcos
-PN-1010 Trovadores En Castilla. Alfonso VIII
-PN-1070 La Flauta de Hueso de Alarcos (******)
-PN-1160 La Rosa de La Alhambra. Washington Irving
-PN-1270 El Canto Visigótico-Mozárabe
-PN-1320 L’Amore mi fa Sollazar. Leonardo Da Vinci

Colección Histórica Judeo-Sefardí

-PN-270 Canciones de Sefarad
-PN-540 Morada del Corazón
-PN-580 Maimónides
-PN-780 Sefarad en Diáspora
-PN-810 Klezmer Sefardí


-PN-260 - La Belleza Contemplada
-PN-560 - Cantoras de Tetuán - Cantos tradicionales del Norte de Marruecos
-PN-770 - Rumí · Ibn Arabí (Paniagua).rar
-PN-1040 - Cautivo de Amor
-EP-MAA - Musica Arabigo Andaluza s. XIII-XIV - Cantigas de Martin Codax s. XIII (Paniagua)
-EP-DME - Danzas Medievales Españolas.rar
-EP-OMMME - Obras Maestras de la Musica Medieval Espanola (E.Paniagua).rar
-EP-NAI . Nuba Al-Istihlal (Omar Metioui & Eduardo Paniagua)
-EP-SAA - The Splendour of Al-Andalus (Calamus).rar
-S2K-60580 - Obras Maestras de las Cantigas (Compilation)

Atrium Musicae de Madrid

-GP-AN - Ars Nova S. XIV
-GP-CAE - Canto Antiguo Espanol
-GP-CG - Codex Gluteo
-GP-CH - El Códice de las Huelgas
-GP-FA - Fandango
-GP-FO - La Folia
-GP-S - La Spagna
-GP-CHAX - Las Cantigas de Hita de Alfonso X, El Sabio (1230-1284)
-GP-IE - Las Indias de Espana
-GP-MI - Musica Iucunda (Paniagua)
-GP-MAA - Musique Arabo-Andalouse
-GP-MGA - Musique de la Grece Antique
-GP-TT - Tarentule-Tarentelle
-GP-TN - Thibaut de Navarre
-GP-V - Villancicos

Colecion de Musica Antigua Espanola:

-CdMAE-MC - La Música en Cataluña hasta el siglo XIV
-CdMAE-CSM - Las Cantigas de Santa Maria
-CdMAE-MCM - Monodia Cortesana Medieval - Música Arábigo-Andaluza

This compilation of records comes from different sources, some of the CDs are my own, some are made available from Avax (mainly Solaz, Yerbas...), some from Sonusantiqva, one from Abdel, some I don't remember.
Most of the infos comes from

Links above lead you to a folder containing RARred files. They are identified by a catalog number, sometime it is official, sometime it is not.
(i.e. PN-010 Cantigas de Toledo is PN-010.rar, GP-MGA - Musique de la Grece Antique is GP-MGA.rar)
I posted an index on Avax (Here it would have taken too much space)
By reading THIS index you should be able to find out what you want.
Enjoy it.

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