giovedì 21 luglio 2016

Simone Kermes, Vivica Genaux - Rival Queens

15 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 120 Mb

The Album explores the artistic legacies of the two legendary singers (Francesca Cuzzoni and Faustina Bordoni) and the heights of inspiration to which their rivalry moved the leading composers of their era.
A thrilling recording, in which Simone Kermes and Vivica Genaux sing arias and duets composed at the height of the rivalry between Eighteenth-Century singers Francesca Cuzzoni and Faustina Bordoni.
June 1727 was witness to the mother of all theater scandals. Francesca Cuzzoni (alias Simone Kermes) and Faustina Bordoni (alias Vivica Genaux), arch-rivals and both superstars of Italian opera, had a fight on stage at London’s Haymarket Theatre.
Featuring music by Bononcini, Händel, Leo, Lotti, Pollarolo, Porpora, and Porta, most of which has not been heard since the careers of Bordoni and Cuzzoni, Rival Queens explores the artistic legacies of the two legendary singers and the heights of inspiration to which their much-fêted competition moved the important composers of the era.


Giuseppe Arena: Come potesti, oh dio (from La clemenza di Tito) *
Attilio Ariosti: Lucio Vero Vorreste o mie pupille *
Giovanni Battista Bononcini: Astianatte Svenalo, traditor *
Giovanni Battista Bononcini: Spera che questo cor (from Astianatte) *
Giacomelli: Scipione in Cartagine nuova Villanella nube estiva *
Johann Adolf Hasse: Tu vuoi ch'io viva o cara (from Artaserse) *
Johann Adolf Hasse: Issipile Impallidisce in campo *
Johann Adolf Hasse: Va tra le selve Ircana (from Artaserse) *
Johann Adolf Hasse: Se mai più sarò geloso (from Cleofide)
Leonardo Leo: Ciro riconosciuto Benché l'augel s'asconda
Antonio Pollarolo: Lucio Papirio dittatore Padre amoroso *
Nicola Antonio Porpora: In amoroso petto (from Arianna in Nasso)
Nicola Antonio Porpora: Nobil onda (Adelaïde) *
Domenico Natale Sarro: Al valor di Borea armato (from Lucio Vero) *
Leonardo Vinci: L'onda chiara che dal fonte (from Ifigenia in Tauride) *

* World-premiere recording

Simone Kermes, soprano
Vivica Genaux, mezzo-soprano

Cappella Gabetta
dir. Andrés Gabetta

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