sabato 28 febbraio 2015

Johann Sebastian Bach - The Secret of the Semitones

11 tracks | MP3 192 Kbps | RAR 99 Mb

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Players of the modern harp may look with trepidation on anything with 'chromatic' in its title and velocity on the agenda, imagining a need for a third foot - and for all three to be hyperactive. But the baroque double harp which Lawrence-King uses here has no pedals; there are separate strings for every note, but their selection calls for skill and speed, talents he has in abundance. Nor does he lack any other of the attributes needed to approach such a demanding programme. His view of the Chromatic Fantasia is contemplative rather than dramatized, occupying 10'32'' (par for the keyboard course is six or seven minutes) and in his annotation he rightly refers to the harp-like textures in which it abounds. Given its success it is a pity he severed it from its companion Fugue but doubtless he had his own good (perhaps technical) reasons. Technical reasons may also account for the changes of key for BWV997 (C minor to D minor) and BWV1004 (D minor to A minor), which should disturb no one.The convincing flexibility of his phrasing is superimposed on the beat of the metronome that ticks in his head, giving eloquent humanity to the music, and his fingers respond faithfully to dynamic detail such as the differentiation of appoggiaturas from their resolutions. He is adept, too, at embellishing repeats - and not just by adding the odd ornament here and there. The performance of the famous Chaconne is leisurely but majestic (17'36''), with minor but logical additions to the score, though the sudden piano at 8'17'', debatably anticipating the following variation, may raise some eyebrows - as it did mine. If Bach is listening to this recording he probably has an approving smile on his face. Need I say more?


Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor, BWV 903 
Suite for Lute in C minor, BWV 997
 Fantasia in A minor, BWV 944 
Partita for Violin solo no 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

Andrew Lawrence-King (Harp)

venerdì 27 febbraio 2015

J.S.Bach - Actus Tragicus

28 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 102 Mb

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When Joshua Rifkin introduced his thesis that Bach composed most of his choral works for only one singer per part, he used the Mass in B Minor as his demonstration piece--in part, no doubt, for maximum shock effect. Since then, Rifkin's theory has made the greatest headway with performances of Bach's early cantatas--those he wrote before arriving in Leipzig in 1723. Even Christ lag in Todesbanden and the Actus tragicus, both considered canonic works of the choral literature, have benefited from fine single-voice recordings by groups such as the Taverner Consort and the American Bach Soloists. Now along comes Cantus Cölln and outdoes them all.


Christ lag in Todes Banden BWV 4
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (Actus tragicus) BWV 106
Der Herr denket an uns BWV 196
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen BWV 12

Cantus Cölln

dir. Konrad Junghänel

giovedì 26 febbraio 2015

Alfonso X - Cantigas de Viola de Rueda

14 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 77 Mb

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1. Cantiga de Santa María 68, A Groriosa grandes faz
2. Cantiga de Santa María 77, Da que Deus mamou o leite do seu peito
3. Cantiga de Santa María 61, Fol é que cuida que non poderia
4. Cantiga de Santa María 327, Porque ben Santa María sabe os seus dões dar
5. Cantiga de Santa María 74, Quen Santa María quiser deffender
6. Cantiga de Santa María 92, Santa María poder á
7. Cantiga de Santa María 81, Par Deus, tal sennor muito val
8. Cantiga de Santa María 407, Como o demo cofonder
9. Cantiga de Santa María 91, A Virgen nos d´ saud' e tolle mal
10. Cantiga de Santa María 259, Santa María punna d' aviir
11. Cantiga de Santa María 71, Se muito non amamos. Gran sandeçe fazemos
12. Cantiga de Santa María 76, Quenas sas figuras da Virgen partir
13. Cantiga de Santa María 62, Santa María sempr' os seus ajuda
14. Cantiga de Santa María 72, Quen diz mal

Musica Antiqua Ensemble, Luis Delgado
Conducted by Eduardo Paniagua

mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

Doctor Bull's Good Night

23 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 116 Mb

Pierre Hantaï’s recital takes its name from one of the pieces in his reissued programme of keyboard music by John Bull. After Byrd, it is the music of Bull and Giles Farnaby which is most fully represented in that early 17th-century keyboard vade mecum, the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. Hantaï offers a rich cross-section of Bull’s various styles, ranging from the contrapuntal ‘In nomine’ tradition which incorporates a cantus firmus from Taverner’s Gloria tibi Trinitas Mass – there are four such pieces included here – to more up-to-date dances and virtuosic fantasias. Hantaï plays a late 17th-century Italian harpsichord, and it is playing of a high order, clearly articulated, rhythmically taut yet never inflexible, and full of demonstrative gesture, purposeful, elegant and highly communicative. A fine recital. Nicholas Anderson


1. In Nomine for keyboard (Musica Britannica No 12)
2. Pavan in the Second Tone for keyboard
3. Galliard for keyboard (Musica Britannica No 78)
4. King's Hunt, for keyboard, Fvb 135, MB 125
5. Germain's Alman
6. English Toy for keyboard
7. Why Ask You?, for keyboard, MB 62 (first setting)
8. Fantasy for keyboard (Musica Britannica No 10)
9. Melancoly Galliard, for keyboard, MB 67b
10. In nomine (Musica Britannica No 9) for keyboard, MB 28
11. Dutch Dance for keyboard
12. Pavan and Galliard for keyboard, MB 86 ('Fantastic')
13. Galliard to the Pavan for keyboard
14. In nomine (Musica Britannica No 4) for keyboard
15. In nomine (Musica Britannica No 5) for keyboard
16. Musica Britannica No 15, Fantasia
17. Doctor Bull's Goodnight, for keyboard, MB 143
18. Lord Lumley's Pavan and Galliard (from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book), MB 129
19. Salvator Mundi 2, for keyboard, MB 38
20. Irish Toy for keyboard
21. Chromatic Pavane (Queen Elizabeth's), for keyboard, MB 87a
22. Chromatic Pavan and Galliard, for keyboard, MB 87 ('Queen Elisabeth's')
23. The Duke of Brusnwick's Alman 

Pierre Hantaï, harpsichord 

martedì 24 febbraio 2015

Consort of Musicke by Byrd and Gibbons

9 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 74 Mb

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I know, pianos were not there when these musics were delighting people's ears all around Europe, still I think this record is worth a try. Glenn Gould was a sheer universal genius: here each voice of these splendid poliphonics is so perfectly clear that I think this record should be used in classrooms too.


William Byrd - First Pavan and Gaillard
Orlando Gibbons - Fantasy in C major
Orlando Gibbons - Allemande (Italian Ground)
William Byrd - Hughe Ashton's Ground
William Byrd - Sixth Pavan and Gaillard
Orlando Gibbons - ''Lord of Salisbury'' Pavan and Gaillard
William Byrd - A Voluntary
William Byrd - Sellinger's Round
Jan Peterszoon Sweelink - Fantasia in D (Fantasia Cromatica)

Glenn Gould, piano

lunedì 23 febbraio 2015

Morin, Mouret, Corrette, Rameau - La Chasse du Cerf

17 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 100 Mb

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1. Jean-Baptiste Morin: La Chasse Du Cerf - Scene 1 - 'Le Réveil'
2. Scene 2 - 'Chour de Nymphes - Le Rendezvous'
3. Scene 3 - 'Le Rapport'
4. Scene 4 - 'Le Déjeuner'
5. Scene 5 - 'La chasse'
6. Scene 6 - 'La Mort du Cerf'
7. Scene 7 - 'La Curée'

8. Jean-Joseph Mouret: Symphonies de Chasse - Fanfare et Air
9. Airs, gracieusement
10. Gavottes - Menuets

11. Michel Corrette: La Choisy - Allegro
12. Adagio
13. Allegro

14. Jean-Philippe Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie - Choeur
15. Premier air
16. Deuxième air en Rondeau
17. Menuets

Orchestre Jean-François Paillard
dir. Jean-François Paillard

domenica 22 febbraio 2015

Thibaut de Champagne & le manuscrit du roi

16 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 100 Mb

Mentioned by Dante amongst 'the most illustrious poets of his time, Thibaut de Champagne (1201-1253), also called 'Thibaut the Songwriter', was one of France's greatest trouvères (or 'musician-poet' in langue d’oïl). He left us some sixty songs, cultivating highly varied musical genres: songs of love and of the crusades, pastourelles, hymns to the Virgin, jeux-partis… Count of Champagne and King of Navarre, grandson of Marie de France and great-grandson of Eleanor of Aquitaine,he was chosen by the Holy See and numerous barons to lead a new crusade in 1239. A seal from 1226 portrays him on horseback, brandishing his sword. This disc proposes an anthology of his compositions, all coming from the very famous songbook copied at the end of the 13th century: the 'King's manuscript'. As a counterpoint to the songs and in harmony with them, it also presents motets and instrumental dances representative of the musical repertoires of the period. 


Chancon ferai
Onques n’amai
De fine amor
Qui loiaument sert s’amie
J’aloie l’autrier errant
Nus hom ne puet
Septime estampie real
Dame, merci, une rien vos demant
En talent ai que je die
Pour conforter ma pesance
L’autrier par la matinee
Dou tres douz
Au tans plein de felonie
Danse real
Seignor, saichies qui or ne s’en ira
Quinte estampie real

Alla Francesca
Brigitte Lesne